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I’m So Close

by Ravi Jain, Katrina Bugaj, Troels Hagen Findsen

Created as part of the Theatre Centre Residency Program, which is a two year program designed to support companies in the creation of a new work.

I’m So Close… is a heartbreaking love song, droned out by the hum of the technological landscape that is bringing us together and pushing us apart.

We are living in a world where we are more connected than we have ever been. Technology allows us to communicate instantly across oceans, and develop relationships with those who we have never even met. But at what cost? As techological advances hit the market at an accelerating rate one has to ask: how connected are we really?

This project is part of Why Not’s MAKE stream of activities. MAKE projects are created and produced by us, often touring across the country and the world.

Summerworks Festival, Toronto 2008 (winner of Spotlight Award)
Dublin Fringe Festival 2008
Free Fall Festival, Toronto, Theatre Centre in partnership with Harbourfront’s World Stage 2010
Tremors Festival, Vancouver 2010

Written by, directed by and starring Ravi Jain (Canada), Katrina Bugaj (USA) and Troels Hagen Findsen (Denmark)
Co-writer and Dramaturgy by Nicolas Billon (Canada)
Lighting design by Gina Scherr (USA)
Sound design by M.L. Dogg (USA)
Costume design by Kelsey Hart (Canada)
Projections designed by Jamie Nesbitt (Canada)
Stage Manager Coleen Macpherson
Photography by Jeremy Mimnagh
Thanks to Tarragon Theatre and Upper Canada College for supporting the development and creation of this piece

“Thanks to Why Not Theatre… the future of theatrical innovation looks bright”

Peter Birnie, Vancouver Sun

“unfolds with delightful unpredictability…this acting trio is packed with potential…”

NOW Magazine

“sparks of brilliance…features many lovely moments of physical theatre”

Globe and Mail

“Why are you being so distant?”